Terms of Service
- Payment is in full and in cash on arrival.
- The vehicle must be returned in the same condition as it was received.
- A cash refundable deposit of US$ 100 is payable on the day of receiving the vehicle and will be returned to the Renter if the vehicle is returned in the condition that it was received.
- The Renter takes full responsibility for the safety and security of the vehicle.
- The driver will be responsible to pay for any damage caused to the vehicle other than mechanical failure.
- In the case of mechanical failure , please contact Bright Car Hire before taking any action to resolve the issue.
- The vehicle must only be driven by the Renter.
- The Renter must only drive if they have their Zanzibar driving permit and foreign driver’s license with them.
- The vehicle is not allowed to be driven on the beach.
- Should the Renter terminate the Agreement , he/she will be responsible to pay for the full time let.
- Should the Renter need to extend the Agreement , please let Bright Car Hire know 24 hours in advance.
- Should the Renter use the car after the Rental Agreement has expired, the charge will be US$ 10 per hour.
- Bright Car Hire reserves the right to terminate this Rental Agreement if it is proven that the Renter is careless, reckless or irresponsible with the vehicle.
- Petrol and the Zanzibar driving permit are not included in the price.